The English Church Heidelberg
Part of the Anglican Diocese in Europe

Coming Events

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual Chaplaincy Meeting and Verein Meeting will take place on 21st April at 2.15pm after church in the ESG building at Plöck 66. There will be a pot luck lunch, to which we invite everyone who is able to bring something to share. Drinks will be provided. This meeting is, amongst other things, to elect members of our council who are responsible for the day to day running of our church. Being a small church and entirely reliant on your contributions, monetary and time, we value everyone who is able to help in any way, great or small.

Past Events

The licensing of the Revd Dr Pearly Usha Walter as Chaplain of the Anglican Church in Heidelberg was held on 17th December, 2023 presided by the venerable Dr. Leslie Nathaniel, Archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe and the East

Women's World Day of Prayer

Every year on the first Friday of March we participate in the Women's World Day of Prayer service organised by the Altstadt churches. This year the prayers and music were prepared by Palestinian Christian women with the theme "I beg you ... bear with one another in love" (Eph 4:1-3). Further information of this international event can be found on the World Day of Prayer International Committee website, or here in German.

Deutsche Evangelische Kirchentag

The bi-annual Deutsche Evangelische Kirchentag was held in Nürnberg from June 7 - 11, 2023. For more information about this event, see their website here.

Living in Love and Faith

The Church of England continues its journey in “Living in Love and Faith”: Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. For those seeking more information on the topic you can visit the Living in Life and Faith page on the Church of England website.

Book Sale

From Jeffrey Archer and Margaret Atwood to Joanna Trollope or Nicholas Sparks, we have over 1000 English language books which are on display for sale at a book sale once a year. The book sale on October 28th, 2023 was a great success and we look forward to the next one in 2024.

To get an idea of some of the books we have them in PDF form on the following pages. Click on the following genres to open a PDF of the books in that category. Some of these books may have been sold.