The English Church Heidelberg
Part of the Anglican Diocese in Europe

Belonging to the English Church Heidelberg

The English Church Heidelberg is totally self-supporting. We receive no income through German taxes or from our diocese. Every euro we spend we need to raise ourselves. We are very grateful, therefore, for any donations and financial support received. Thank you for considering making a payment to The English Church Heidelberg.

Payments can be made to:
Englische Kirche Heidelberg
Sparkasse Heidelberg
IBAN: DE39 6725 0020 0000 0073 58

Of course finances are not everything - what would a church be without the people. If you would like to play an active role in our community you can join the Electoral Roll and the Verein. By joining the Verein money donated can be deducted from taxes payable in Germany. The Verein der Freunde und Förderer der englischen Kirche Heidelberg e.V. (Friends and Patrons of the English Church Heidelberg) is the recognised charity which finances our church under German law.

Forms for joining the Verein are available from our Verein Chair, Elaine Griffiths, or can be downloaded here: Verein Application Form.

If you would like to join the electoral Roll which gives you the right to vote and be part of the council, please speak with the chaplain.

Project: Hoffnung Für Uganda

For many years The English Church Heidelberg has chosen an annual project we support through regular collections, prayer, a dedicated Project Sunday Service and a display at church. Our current project focuses on young mothers in Uganda. Hope for Uganda eV works in association with the Ugandan NGO Suubi. Their mission is to give young mothers a means to break out of poverty through practical training and support. A member of our council, Junko Iwasaki, is closely involved in this project and can answer any questions or give more information.

Please support this project through prayer and funding, and take an interest in its progress at their website: Hoffnung für Uganda. You can contribute through the offering collection at the special Project Sunday Service or on any Sunday in cash to church leaders. You may also contribute by direct transfer through the bank by indicating the purpose of payment as a Hoffnung für Uganda contribution.

Brenda is 18 years old, has been a mother since she was 11, has three kids and no husband. This makes her an out cast in Uganda. But Suubi teen Mops and their German affiliate, Hoffnung für Uganda, have given her a job, a home to stay in, and hope. You can see her story at Suubi Teen MOPS Uganda.

If you would like to continue to support our previous project Medair, you can contribute directly to them through their website: Medair Lebanon.